Volume 19 (2010)
Table Of Contents
Editor Editor
In This Issue...
Lyndall Nairn
What is Justice? An Investigation of Leo Strauss’s Natural Right Proposition
Laura Marino Rugeles
Wordsworth: Naturalness as Aesthetic
Taelor Skinner
Natural Instinct
Tess Evans
Incentives and Success
Ben Calvert
A Performer’s Argument against the Hierarchy of Musicians Set Forth by Boethius in De institutione musica
Julia Kittel
Photography’s Influence on Painting
Jill Markwood
Sexual Selection in Modern Times
Allie Sypher
Truth Decay: The Media and the Pursuit of Truth
Caitlin Flathers
Fake Photos in the News
Tim Willis
Biographical Sketches of the 2010 Agora Writers
Editor Editor