University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Wound Care, Chronic
Dr. Bartley Rust
OBJECTIVE: To determine if medical-grade honey is efficacious to other products such as in concomitant use with calcium alginate or standalone to hydrogel or PluroGel for healing chronic wounds in the adult population.
METHODS: Retrospective chart review for the adult population ages 18-89 with chronic wounds. Exclusion criteria included hospice or terminal prognosis (expectancy), active cancer or receiving cancer treatments, and inconsistent treatment application (consecutive weekly treatments for at least 3 weeks).
SETTING: long-term care facilities (nursing homes)
RESULTS: Hydrogel (n = 21 wounds) had a 16.53 percent mean weekly change and 17.43 percent mean weekly improvement with a p value of 0.0015 compared to the other products: medical honey (n = 21 wounds, 2.29, 13.5, p value 0.0658), medical honey with calcium alginate (n = 15 wounds, 13.21, 14.27, p value 0.0054), or PluroGel (n = 15 wounds, 5.15, 11.47, p value 0.0302). It was also noted that wounds treated with hydrogel had the most sharp debridements performed due to necrotic tissue presence (14) and the most patients with malnutrition (7).
CONCLUSION: A larger data pool is needed but the initial results of the superior effectiveness of hydrogel compared to the other products is promising for an effective chronic wound care treatment.
Recommended Citation
Miller EJ. Effectiveness of Honey for Healing Chronic Wounds Compared to Standard Treatments. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2019; 1(1).
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