University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Preventative Medicine
Dr. Nancy Reid
Despite nearly a half-century of advancements in invasive procedures, pharmacotherapeutics, and pharmacogenomics, as well as marginally effective public health campaigns, coronary atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases, remain the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Positive, long-term outcomes from traditional approaches toward treatment and reducing disease prevalence have been relatively futile. The traditional model focuses on management of symptoms and suppression instead of addressing causation which is rooted in lifestyle choices, environmental exposures, and genetic influences. Acquired atherosclerosis along with other chronic diseases of affluence, is driven by dietary, behavioral and lifestyle choices which profoundly affect health and the body’s homeostatic and regenerative processes. Within our physiologic systems and cellular mechanics, nutritional factors have complex and variable interactions. Unfortunately, nutritional science has long been impaired by a reductionist interpretation of details and clinical interventions. In the last three decades, however, clinical and nutritional science investigators have shown that specific dietary approaches, when combined with simple, health-promoting lifestyle behaviors, can have a profound influence on overall health, wellness, and disease prevention. Optimal nutrition is associated with increased life expectancy, a dramatic reduction in lifetime risk of all chronic disease, and it can positively enhance pleiotropic and epigenetic mechanisms. Researchers have now identified the salient components of an optimal nutritional and lifestyle approach, which has been proven to successfully prevent, treat and even reverse coronary atherosclerotic heart disease.
Recommended Citation
Gentry W. Atherosclerotic Heart Disease - The End of an Era. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2019; 1(3).
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