University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Physician Assistant
Dr. Elyse Watkins
Effective Behavioral Therapies for Individuals with Type Two Diabetes Mellitus and Depressive Disorder
There is mounting attention on the role of depressive symptoms in DM risk and management. Diabetes is the leading cause of non-congenital blindness, lower extremity amputation, and cause of end stage renal failure.3-5 Untreated depression disorder and its associated diagnoses of Substance Abuse Disorder and Suicidality afflict individuals and families like a modern-day plague. When these conditions co-occur as they often do, what can be done? Diabetes and Depression are frequently studied conditions causing some researchers to theorize a causal association. While much is known about these conditions individually, there are relatively few cross-professional systematic reviews of behavioral-therapy based interventions. What follows are the results of a revealing literature review examining the effects of cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) on glycemic control.
Recommended Citation
McCreary T. Effective Behavioral Therapies for Individuals with Type Two Diabetes Mellitus and Depressive Disorder. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2019; 1(3).
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