University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Fit-For-Duty Examinations of Hazmat Responders, An Approach in General Industry
Dr. Watkins
Objectives: The purpose of this article is to aid in identifying potential at-risk hazmat workers during fit-for-duty examinations in the field of general industry.
Methods: A thorough literature review was conducted using Cochrane and PubMed online databases.
Results: Thermal strain represents the greatest risk to hazmat responders. Clinical guidance on identifying potential at-risk hazmat workers during fit-for-duty examinations is lacking in the field of general industry.
Conclusions: Current gaps in medical literature may result in examiners underestimating the risk of thermal strain during hazmat fit-for-duty examinations. Recent studies show promise that the utilization of a modified standard Bruce protocol stress test or similar to induce simulated thermal strain could be valuable at identifying at-risk hazmat workers in general industry that should be excluded from hazmat duty.
Recommended Citation
Cognac G. Fit-For-Duty Examinations of Hazmat Responders, An Approach in General Industry. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2019; 1(4).
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