University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to identify pre-academic or personality trait variables that can be used as predictors of success in a physician assistant or medical education program.
Method: An EBSCOhost search using combinations of the terms: predictors of success, physician assistant, graduate school. Later, another search was done focusing only on publications in the Journal of Physician Assistant Education where three more relevant articles were identified.
Results: There has been very little research done specifically on Physician Assistant education and predictors of success. There is more broad research on predictors of success in medical school, pharmacy residency programs, and other graduate programs.
Conclusion: The current research shows that academic performance during undergraduate studies and previous healthcare experience are the two most important factors in predicting success in PA school. However, personality factors also seem to play a huge role in the successful completion of rigorous medical degrees. Further research may help us to grasp the importance of each factor and if one factor is more prevalent or important than others for predicting pass rates.
Recommended Citation
Frazier TM. Predictors of Student Success in Physician Assistant Education. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2020; 2(3).
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