University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Administrative Medicine
Nancy Reid
Army clinicians serve as managers and leaders throughout their careers. As Army clinicians advance in their careers, they are given more responsibility and promoted commensurate with their potential. Army clinicians must differentiate between manager and leader roles as they transition to the executive-level organizational leadership role. As Army clinicians assume executive leadership roles, they need to rely more heavily on leader competencies. Army clinicians must focus less on manager competencies, which up to now may have been their primary means of executing the mission. There is a critical gap in the training and education to develop executive-level organizational leaders. This critical gap includes the inability to distinguish between the manager and leader roles. This literary effort will fill the critical gap by doing the following: provide definitions of managers and leaders; contrast manager and leader roles; identify the characteristics and competencies of each role and the importance of differentiating between manager and leader, specify the critical gaps in training and education and manager and leader roles, how to overcome those gaps; and offer recommendations for Army clinicians to achieve success as an executive-level organizational leader. Army clinicians must hone the foundational Army leader requirements model attributes and competencies to become executive-level organizational leaders in the future. Knowing when these skills are required and how to apply them will enhance their ability to lead in executive-level organizations.
Recommended Citation
Jackson AL. From Manager to Leader: Preparing Army Clinicians for Executive-Level Organizations. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2021; 3(2).
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