University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Dr. Nancy Reid
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to review the available fertility treatments and to examine the ethical and moral questions that are associated with utilizing fertility treatments for reasons other than fertility, such as gender selection.
Methods: A literature search was conducted on the University of Lynchburg Library website and the “one-search” option. Google scholar was also utilized. The terms in-vitro, gender selection, assisted reproductive technology (ART) for non-medical purposes, and ethics were included in the search.
Results: All results were fairly relevant to the topic. Each of these papers is relevant to healthcare today because of the frequency of reproductive technology that is currently being utilized in today’s society.
Conclusion: There is an ongoing argument between physicians that the trends in the reproductive arena and the treatments currently offered may not be moral or ethical when used for non-medical purposes. For a childless couple, these treatments offer hope. But how and why are these treatments utilized by couples that have no infertility issues? These options have consequences that may not present themselves until the future. These methods of artificial reproduction can and will undoubtedly continue to affect the lives of those involved for many years to come. Particularly the emotions of the child that results from the artificial reproduction.
Keywords: ART, ethics, gender selection, infertility treatments, embryo, pre-genetic screening (pgs) testing, ICSI
Recommended Citation
Zedan-Dalton KD. The Ethical Dilemmas Faced in a Culture of Designer Babies and the Acceptance of Replacement Commodification. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2021; 3(2).
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