"Complications Post lung surgery" by Raphael Atulo

University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository


Cardiothoracic Surgery


Purpose: This article aims to review the common pulmonary and cardiac complications that arise in lung cancer patients post thoracic surgery.

Method: A PubMed literature search was conducted with search terms as follows: post-operative, pulmonary, cardiac, and complications. Twenty-five articles were retrieved, and they serve as the basis for this clinical review article.

Results: Pulmonary and cardiac complications following lung surgery remain prevalent. The predictions of post-operative complications are based on the patient’s risk factors. Early diagnosis of these complications is essential in minimizing and effectively treating the complications.

Conclusion: Pulmonary and cardiac-related complications are the most common post-operative complications following lung surgery. These complications are associated with significant clinical and economic consequences due to the increased number of mortality and morbidity, extended length of hospital stay, and costly treatments if the complications are not quickly diagnosed and treated. Utilizing a scoring system that predicts the risks of post-operative complications in patients undergoing thoracic surgery is vital in minimizing pulmonary and cardiac complications in these patients.

Keywords: Post-operative, Cardiac, Pulmonary, Complications.


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