University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

General Surgery
Nancy Reid
Seven studies involving the use of endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty for weight loss were reviewed for determination of %TWL after ESG. While the procedural techniques, study parameters and time lines varied, overall, at one year post procedure the average %TWL was 17% and at two years 20%. In a case matched cohort study, findings at six months post procedure showed %TBWL for ESG at 17.1% compared with 23.6% for LSG with a lower reported rate of adverse events with ESG at 5.2% versus 16.9% reported for LSG. An unexpected finding was the development of new onset acid reflux post procedure with ESG only at1.9%, while LSG boasted14.5%. occurrence. This finding demonstrates that ESG does not predispose to reflux symptoms as seen with LSG. Endoscopic sleeve gastrectomy while not as effective for weight loss as laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy does provide an effective alternative that is reversible and can be repeated, has a shorter procedure time and possesses a better safety profile. While the rate of obesity is growing to pandemic proportions worldwide, the endoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, while still lacking long term data, is another promising tool in the armamentarium against obesity.
Recommended Citation
Axiotis D. Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty: A New Tool in the Armamentarium to Fight Obesity. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2021; 3(3).
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