University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Dr Laura Witte PhD. PA-C
This article sets out to determine whether compliance with antipsychotic medications reduces psychosis. More so, if antipsychotic medications are given in spaced out doses will that help with compliance, reduction of side effects, and psychosis. Four separate studies are reviewed and come to the same conclusion that multiple factors are involved with patient compliance, but all agree there needs to be open communication between the provider and patient with education of the illness given to the patient due to lack of insight and understanding of the illness. Compliance is key whether patients are taking daily or spaced-out medications, in reduction of psychosis.
Recommended Citation
Bassiouni M. Antipsychotic Medications, Compliance, and Reduction of Psychosis.. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2021; 3(3).
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