University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Addiction Medicine/ Behavioral Health
Mark Archambault DHSc, PA-C, DFAAPA
Purpose: To examine the effectiveness of health professions student-led motivational interviewing for patients with substance use disorders (SUD).
Methods: This literature review looked at data from four articles. A PubMed literature search was conducted with search terms: ("motivational interview*" OR "Motivational Interviewing[MeSH]") AND (Student* OR "Students, Health Occupations"[Mesh]). This yielded 378 results. Following application of all inclusion and exclusion criteria, three published studies remained.
Results: There were usable data from all three studies. The median number of patients studied was 97.6. All three studies looked at different variables after a brief motivational interview for a patient’s SUD. These variables included whether the patient (1) felt motivated to cut back or quit their substance, (2) was willing to have further discussion about their SUD, (3) was open for a referral to a specialist, and (4) was willing to consider medication assisted treatment. The studies revealed favorable patient outcomes following brief student-led motivational interviewing.
Conclusion: It is feasible for health professions students trained in motivational interviewing to perform successful behavior change counseling with patients. Student contribution as part of the team would be a valuable resource for patients, public health, and clinicians/preceptors. Future research should examine the sustainability of the intervention effect over time, how to ensure continuity of care, and how it affects other clinical outcomes.
Recommended Citation
Parins AE. The Collision of a Pandemic and Epidemic: Effectiveness of Student-Led Motivational Interviewing for Patients with Substance Use Disorders. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2021; 3(3).
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