University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

General Medicine
Dr. Lawrence Herman
Purpose: The manuscript aims to review the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and associated symptoms with probiotics and prebiotics known together as synbiotics through the bidirectional Gut-Brain-Axis (GBA) and Central Nervous System (CNS) pathway.
Method: A literature search from PubMed was investigated for depression, probiotics, and prebiotics as an alternative treatment for depression by the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA); a total of ten relevant articles were used for this manuscript.
Results: The results from the search determined that an altered GBA is related to MDD, and regulation of the gut microbiome can lead to a relief of symptoms of depression.
Conclusion: Statistics for MDD show that only 36.9% will receive treatment for mental health illnesses.1 Depression is a mental health disorder that requires medical attention and, if left untreated, can be detrimental and debilitating for individuals ages 15 to 44.2 The Gut-Brain Axis (GBA) and the Central Nervous System (CNS) operates neural and endocrine pathways to collaborate with the gut, which is the communication between the brain and the gut.3 Synbiotics regulate the gut for healthy and well-balanced bacteria that may also help treat symptoms of anxiety and depression. Evolving gut microbiome study from synbiotics may provide possible treatments and preventative measures for depressive and anxiety disorders.3 Studies and data support the Gut-Brain-Axis (GBA) correlation and its association to depression.
Recommended Citation
Lopez KM. Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder with Synbiotics. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2022; 4(2).
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