University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Critical Care
Dr. Tom Colletti
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in 350,000 patients annually and carry a 90% mortality rate. International critical care societies recommend targeted temperature management for patients who suffer a cardiac arrest and remain comatose (Glasgow Coma score less than 8) after adequate resuscitation. Targeted temperature management refers to inducing hypothermia on the patient to decrease metabolism and prevent further hypoxic ischemic brain injury. Various landmark trials have been conducted over the years to study the benefits of cooling patients to 33 degrees Celsius vs 36 degrees Celsius, which lead the way to studies comparing targeting hypothermia versus normothermia. With all current data considered for post-cardiac arrest patients, targeted temperature management remains the chosen intervention to reduce risk of neurological disability and mortality.
Recommended Citation
Spragins A. Targeted Temperature Management in Post Cardiac Arrest. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2023; 5(1).
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