University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

emergency medicine
The management of acute diverticulitis is dictated based on an array of clinical findings that includes patient presentation, presence of complications on CT scan (frank perforation, abscess, fistulization, or obstruction), age, and symptom management. The algorithmic approach generated by multiple clinical studies can be utilized to determine outpatient versus inpatient setting management. Treatment regimens can also be narrowed down to uncomplicated versus complicated diverticulitis. A recent randomized trial along with two other similar studies have changed the approach to management of uncomplicated acute diverticulitis. The new regimen is centered around symptom control without antibiotic use. A further understanding of diverticulitis and its associated management pathways can enable clinicians to diagnose, treat, and educate patients in an effective manner while minimizing unwarranted antibiotic use.
Recommended Citation
Paroli RD. Acute Diverticulitis: The Outpouching of Management Pathways. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2023; 5(1).
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