University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Emergency Medicine
Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is defined as a chronic inflammatory process of the bladder with urinary symptoms including urinary frequency, urinary urge, dysuria, and chronic pelvic pain in the absence of another contributing disorder. IC can be divided into two categories which include Hunner-type IC and bladder pain syndrome; these two categories differ solely on histopathology. This disorder poses a distinct challenge for many medical providers as it can take years to diagnose IC with the complexity that follows this disorder when excluding all other disease processes. Due to the intricacy that comes with diagnosing and treating IC, there are often significant psychological and social obstacles that a large number of IC patients face. This article serves as a clinical review of the presentation, pathology, diagnostic criteria, treatment regimens, and psychological impacts of IC. This article also emphasizes the necessity of providers working as an interprofessional team to diagnose and treat Interstitial Cystitis which will aid in reducing the time it takes to diagnose patients with this disorder.
Recommended Citation
Falls SM. A Clinical Review of Interstitial Cystitis, “Painful Bladder Syndrome”. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2023; 5(1).
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