University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Emergency Medicine
Mary Walton
The purpose of this article review is to provide an overview of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) in the emergency department (ED), including background, best practice, and complications. A PubMed literature search was conducted with search terms medication-assisted treatment, medication for opioid use disorder, opioid use disorder treatment, and buprenorphine treatment. 14 articles were selected for review from PubMed. Additionally 2 lectures and the 5th edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM5) articles were reviewed for this article. The research shows patients are dying from overdoses at an alarming rate. As illicit fentanyl increases in prevalence, an increasing number of patients will require MOUD. Several resources are available for MOUD and is currently best practice for treatment of patients suffering OUD. OUD is an increasingly prevalent complaint amongst emergency department patients who require treatment aligning with evidence-based practice. The ED is uniquely designed to provide MOUD for patients through initiation onto buprenorphine.
Recommended Citation
Benson K. Medication for Opioid Use Disorder in the Emergency Department. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2023; 5(1).
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