University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository

Elyse Watkins, DHSc, PA-C, DFAAPA, NCMP
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin condition primarily affecting the axilla, chest, and groin with painful lesions resulting in varying levels and types of scarring. Additionally, lesions can progress into irreversible architectural changes and tissue destruction. Awareness of HS is increasing but the condition is often dismissed as folliculitis or mismanaged. The effects of HS often contribute to pain, low self-esteem, depression and anxiety, and time away from work. It is imperative to initiate treatment early and aggressively to avoid the progression of the disease state. The therapeutic options for the treatment of HS include antibiotics, biologic immunomodulating agents, a potassium-sparing diuretic, a biguanide, laser, and surgical interventions. Current pharmacologic interventions are not reliably effective in addressing the symptoms of HS for each patient and often only improve the acute concerns of a chronic condition. There are subtypes of HS appreciated in clinical practice that are yet to be named, but are comparatively lumped together. Identifying, classifying, and treating these subtypes of HS distinctly may improve patient outcomes. Additional treatment interventions that will address the chronicity and pathophysiology of this condition, while being able to offer a significant improvement in quality of life are needed for this patient population.
Recommended Citation
Cox S. Hidradenitis Suppuritiva: Treatment and Phenotypic Subtypes. University of Lynchburg DMSc Doctoral Project Assignment Repository. 2023; 5(2).
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