"Literature Review Utilizing Handheld Devices in the Education of Stude" by Edward A. Hoisington

LC Journal of Special Education


In recent years, technology has had a greater influence in the treatments and interventions of students with ASD. The purpose of this paper is to examine the literature with regards to the use of a personal digital assistant (PDA) or other handheld devices with student diagnosed with ASD. A PDA is “a handheld computer that mainly serves as a personal information organizer,” it allows the user to input data through “an on-screen keyboard or handwriting recognition program using a stylus” (Ferguson, Myles, & Hagiwara, 2005, p. 60). PDAs and other handheld devices In recent years, technology has had a greater influence in the treatments and interventions of students with ASD. The purpose of this paper is to examine the literature with regards to the use of a personal digital assistant (PDA) or other handheld devices with student diagnosed with ASD. A PDA is “a handheld computer that mainly serves as a personal information organizer,” it allows the user to input data through “an on-screen keyboard or handwriting recognition program using a stylus” (Ferguson, Myles, & Hagiwara, 2005, p. 60). PDAs and other handheld devices
