Oral Presentations
Room 232, Schewel Hall
Access Type
Open Access
Entry Number
Start Date
4-10-2019 3:45 PM
End Date
4-10-2019 4:00 PM
Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences
College Lake is a large reservoir located on the campus of the University of Lynchburg. College Lake’s ecosystem has degraded over the years due to the buildup of sediment, nutrients, and raw sewage. Increased urbanization in the area has also most likely contributed to the contaminants present within the system. Because of flooding issues during the summer of 2018, Lynchburg CIty officials drained College Lake, which caused sediment to be released downstream. To better understand the transport of heavy metals in the sediments released from College Lake, sediment core samples were taken from College Lake, Hollins Mill Park, and Sandusky Park. Sediment samples were prepared for elemental analysis using microwave acid digestion. Once prepared, elemental analysis was performed using Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. From the elemental analysis data, predictions were made regarding the environmental impacts of releasing the sediments downstream.
Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. Priscilla Gannicott
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Elemental Analysis of Legacy Sediments at College Lake
Room 232, Schewel Hall
College Lake is a large reservoir located on the campus of the University of Lynchburg. College Lake’s ecosystem has degraded over the years due to the buildup of sediment, nutrients, and raw sewage. Increased urbanization in the area has also most likely contributed to the contaminants present within the system. Because of flooding issues during the summer of 2018, Lynchburg CIty officials drained College Lake, which caused sediment to be released downstream. To better understand the transport of heavy metals in the sediments released from College Lake, sediment core samples were taken from College Lake, Hollins Mill Park, and Sandusky Park. Sediment samples were prepared for elemental analysis using microwave acid digestion. Once prepared, elemental analysis was performed using Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. From the elemental analysis data, predictions were made regarding the environmental impacts of releasing the sediments downstream.