Louis Daguerre and the daguerreotype
Access Type
Open Access
Entry Number
Start Date
4-5-2017 12:00 PM
End Date
4-5-2017 1:00 PM
The world of film has gotten increasingly complex in part because of the technology being developed for it. Without this constant improvement in cameras, storage, recording, and much more a stagnation would occur. Film, however is far from new and much of today's modern film attributes its success to the past's inventors. Louis Daguerre inventor of the daguerreotype helped to revolutionise film. His ability to utilize light-sensitive silver salts cut the exposure time for film from a few hours to a few minutes and then with improvements far less than this. Unlike many others he was able to use thin silver plated copper and iodine vapors to form an image that through his special development would create pictures. Thanks, impart to the french government for buying and subsequently releasing this process to the general public, non-scenic photography for the first time was possible. This invention combined with its ease of access helped kick off a huge movement towards perfecting image creation.
Faculty Mentor(s)
Glenda Cash
Louis Daguerre and the daguerreotype
The world of film has gotten increasingly complex in part because of the technology being developed for it. Without this constant improvement in cameras, storage, recording, and much more a stagnation would occur. Film, however is far from new and much of today's modern film attributes its success to the past's inventors. Louis Daguerre inventor of the daguerreotype helped to revolutionise film. His ability to utilize light-sensitive silver salts cut the exposure time for film from a few hours to a few minutes and then with improvements far less than this. Unlike many others he was able to use thin silver plated copper and iodine vapors to form an image that through his special development would create pictures. Thanks, impart to the french government for buying and subsequently releasing this process to the general public, non-scenic photography for the first time was possible. This invention combined with its ease of access helped kick off a huge movement towards perfecting image creation.