Gender Inequality in Athletics
Access Type
Open Access
Entry Number
Start Date
4-5-2017 11:15 AM
End Date
4-5-2017 11:30 AM
In the world of sports, men and women are not viewed as equals by society which has led to the under representation of female athletes. Sexism plays a key role, along with stereotypes and appearance in the under representation. Women have just recently been allowed to participate in sports, but the media is less than interested in filming females. Women are overall not in the media, and when they are it is over their appearance when participating in a sport.
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. Leslie Layne
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Gender Inequality in Athletics
In the world of sports, men and women are not viewed as equals by society which has led to the under representation of female athletes. Sexism plays a key role, along with stereotypes and appearance in the under representation. Women have just recently been allowed to participate in sports, but the media is less than interested in filming females. Women are overall not in the media, and when they are it is over their appearance when participating in a sport.