A linguistic look at the Japanese /l/ and /r/
Hall Memorial Ballroom
Access Type
Campus Access Only
Start Date
4-4-2018 12:00 PM
Teaching English as a Second Language
Our objective for our showcase submission is to show the linguistic separation between the Japanese /l/ and /r/ sounds verses the English /l/ and /r/ sounds as presented through IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). For the purpose of our showcase exhibition, we will be using the linguistic program Pratt. Praat is a community supported free software program that allows us to analyze sound patterns, aspiration and intonation between different spoken sounds. Using this program will give us a visual representation of the waveforms and Spectrograms of these sound distinctions. Spectrograms are the spectrum of frequencies of sound as they vary with time. With Pratts analysis of the acoustic features of the pre-recorded speech all forms of visual representation can be studied. Being able to see the distinct sound waves and formations of these sounds, we hope to show the similarities and dissimilarities between languages. We also hope to show that people’s mouths articulate differently to form similar sounds depending on what language they were raised learning. Our overall goal is to show an aspect of linguistics, that you cannot see with the average eye.
Keywords: Linguistics, Pratt, Japanese, IPA, Spectrograms, Frequencies and language
Boersma, Paul & Weenink, David (2018). Praat: doing phonetics by computer [Computer program]. Version 6.0.37, retrieved 3 February 2018 from
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. Lisa Pierce
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A linguistic look at the Japanese /l/ and /r/
Hall Memorial Ballroom
Our objective for our showcase submission is to show the linguistic separation between the Japanese /l/ and /r/ sounds verses the English /l/ and /r/ sounds as presented through IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). For the purpose of our showcase exhibition, we will be using the linguistic program Pratt. Praat is a community supported free software program that allows us to analyze sound patterns, aspiration and intonation between different spoken sounds. Using this program will give us a visual representation of the waveforms and Spectrograms of these sound distinctions. Spectrograms are the spectrum of frequencies of sound as they vary with time. With Pratts analysis of the acoustic features of the pre-recorded speech all forms of visual representation can be studied. Being able to see the distinct sound waves and formations of these sounds, we hope to show the similarities and dissimilarities between languages. We also hope to show that people’s mouths articulate differently to form similar sounds depending on what language they were raised learning. Our overall goal is to show an aspect of linguistics, that you cannot see with the average eye.
Keywords: Linguistics, Pratt, Japanese, IPA, Spectrograms, Frequencies and language
Boersma, Paul & Weenink, David (2018). Praat: doing phonetics by computer [Computer program]. Version 6.0.37, retrieved 3 February 2018 from