Effects of Background Color and Makeup on Perceive
Hall Memorial Ballroom
Access Type
Campus Access Only
Start Date
4-4-2018 12:00 PM
The present study investigated the effects of color and makeup on judgments of attractiveness. The color of photos was manipulated as follows: one had a green background and female wearing no makeup, one had a green background and a female wearing makeup, one had a red background and a female wearing no makeup, and one had a red background and a female wearing makeup. Participants looked at four photos in random order, then they answered a short questionnaire that asked them to rate photos on a 1-5 scale. A rating of one on the scale corresponded to strongly disagree, two corresponded to disagree, three corresponded to neither agree or disagree, four corresponded to agree, and five corresponded to strongly agree. Participants were asked to select the number on the scale that most closely described how they felt about the picture. We hypothesized that the photo with a green background would be rated more favorably compared with the one with a red background. Moreover, we hypothesized that the makeup condition would be judged more positively than no makeup. Lastly, we predicted that the photo with a green background and a female wearing makeup would be rated most favorably.
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Keith P. Corodimas, Ph.D.
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Effects of Background Color and Makeup on Perceive
Hall Memorial Ballroom
The present study investigated the effects of color and makeup on judgments of attractiveness. The color of photos was manipulated as follows: one had a green background and female wearing no makeup, one had a green background and a female wearing makeup, one had a red background and a female wearing no makeup, and one had a red background and a female wearing makeup. Participants looked at four photos in random order, then they answered a short questionnaire that asked them to rate photos on a 1-5 scale. A rating of one on the scale corresponded to strongly disagree, two corresponded to disagree, three corresponded to neither agree or disagree, four corresponded to agree, and five corresponded to strongly agree. Participants were asked to select the number on the scale that most closely described how they felt about the picture. We hypothesized that the photo with a green background would be rated more favorably compared with the one with a red background. Moreover, we hypothesized that the makeup condition would be judged more positively than no makeup. Lastly, we predicted that the photo with a green background and a female wearing makeup would be rated most favorably.