Curating: An Easy Step-by-Step
Hall Memorial Ballroom
Access Type
Open Access
Start Date
4-4-2018 12:00 PM
My poster will be about how to curate in exhibition, using my own exhibition “The Life and Impact of Diane di Prima” as an example. I will focus on the steps of conception, research, collection, designing, and installing. Conception can be boiled down to the questions-what is your research question and why does it matter? As with a thesis paper, research is the most comprehensive and longest step. After answering the question, you have to begin collecting items for your exhibition. Then you have to design the space and location of the exhibition, including labels and didactics. Finally, you install the exhibition in the space.
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. Barbara Rothermel
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Curating: An Easy Step-by-Step
Hall Memorial Ballroom
My poster will be about how to curate in exhibition, using my own exhibition “The Life and Impact of Diane di Prima” as an example. I will focus on the steps of conception, research, collection, designing, and installing. Conception can be boiled down to the questions-what is your research question and why does it matter? As with a thesis paper, research is the most comprehensive and longest step. After answering the question, you have to begin collecting items for your exhibition. Then you have to design the space and location of the exhibition, including labels and didactics. Finally, you install the exhibition in the space.