Digital Showcase @ University of Lynchburg - Student Scholar Showcase: Using GIS to Visualize Lynchburg History


Using GIS to Visualize Lynchburg History

Student Author Information

Mathew T. WilsonFollow


Hall Memorial Ballroom

Access Type

Campus Access Only

Start Date

4-4-2018 12:00 PM




History and geography are inherently intertwined. However, these two subjects are not always considered together. Every success or tragedy happens in a geographic location. The geography of a person’s life or a nation’s battle can heavily affect the outcome. Historic Sandusky wanted to contextualize the history of Lynchburg by breathing new life into old maps using GIS. A GIS, or geographical information system, is a tool for visualizing and analyzing spatial data. Sandusky is interested in creating an interactive digital archive of Lynchburg history, particularly around the time of the Civil War. Information will be displayed spatially, with the material neatly categorized and easily accessible. Upon completion of the digitization and research phases, the information will be curated within interactive and intuitive online maps. The end product will be made available online at some point in the future, allowing it to be used as an educational tool for free.

Primary Faculty Mentor(s)

David Perault, Greg Starbuck

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Apr 4th, 12:00 PM

Using GIS to Visualize Lynchburg History

Hall Memorial Ballroom

History and geography are inherently intertwined. However, these two subjects are not always considered together. Every success or tragedy happens in a geographic location. The geography of a person’s life or a nation’s battle can heavily affect the outcome. Historic Sandusky wanted to contextualize the history of Lynchburg by breathing new life into old maps using GIS. A GIS, or geographical information system, is a tool for visualizing and analyzing spatial data. Sandusky is interested in creating an interactive digital archive of Lynchburg history, particularly around the time of the Civil War. Information will be displayed spatially, with the material neatly categorized and easily accessible. Upon completion of the digitization and research phases, the information will be curated within interactive and intuitive online maps. The end product will be made available online at some point in the future, allowing it to be used as an educational tool for free.