Digital Showcase @ University of Lynchburg - Student Scholar Showcase: Virginia Cooperative Extension Internship


Virginia Cooperative Extension Internship

Student Author Information

Hannah TillotsonFollow


Hall Memorial Ballroom

Access Type

Campus Access Only

Start Date

4-4-2018 12:00 PM


Environmental Science


I have been working in the Lynchburg office for Virginia Cooperative Extension. During this time I have gained experience in natural resource education (NRE), helping with the summer camp, planning a day camp, working in an office, and many more learning experiences. This poster shows my adventures throughout my time here. I started during the summer of 2017 and will end the summer of 2018.

Primary Faculty Mentor(s)

Brooke Haiar

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Apr 4th, 12:00 PM

Virginia Cooperative Extension Internship

Hall Memorial Ballroom

I have been working in the Lynchburg office for Virginia Cooperative Extension. During this time I have gained experience in natural resource education (NRE), helping with the summer camp, planning a day camp, working in an office, and many more learning experiences. This poster shows my adventures throughout my time here. I started during the summer of 2017 and will end the summer of 2018.