Digital Showcase @ University of Lynchburg - Student Scholar Showcase: Fluid Intake Needed for a 45 minute Interval Program on a T675 Treadmill


Fluid Intake Needed for a 45 minute Interval Program on a T675 Treadmill

Student Author Information

Allivia ChisholmFollow


Hall Memorial Ballroom

Access Type

Campus Access Only

Start Date

4-4-2018 12:00 PM


Athletic Training


Context: Proper hydration aids in providing energy for physical activity in individuals.

Objective: To determine the appropriate amount of fluids needed to hydrate for 45 minutes on an interval program on the Sportsart Fitness T675 treadmill.

Design: Case Series

Setting: Clinical Laboratory

Participants: We had XX participants (male-n and female-n) from both the undergraduate and graduate programs above the age of 18. Students were excluded if they consumed any nutritional supplements or medications that cause water retention, had sickle cell anemia, or had kidney dysfunction.

Intervention: Changes in fluid amounts

Main Outcome Measure: Body mass, specific gravity, hematocrit

Results: In progress

Conclusion: In progress

Keywords: Bod Pod, Hematocrit, Replacement, Specific Gravity

Primary Faculty Mentor(s)

Debbie Bradney

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Apr 4th, 12:00 PM

Fluid Intake Needed for a 45 minute Interval Program on a T675 Treadmill

Hall Memorial Ballroom

Context: Proper hydration aids in providing energy for physical activity in individuals.

Objective: To determine the appropriate amount of fluids needed to hydrate for 45 minutes on an interval program on the Sportsart Fitness T675 treadmill.

Design: Case Series

Setting: Clinical Laboratory

Participants: We had XX participants (male-n and female-n) from both the undergraduate and graduate programs above the age of 18. Students were excluded if they consumed any nutritional supplements or medications that cause water retention, had sickle cell anemia, or had kidney dysfunction.

Intervention: Changes in fluid amounts

Main Outcome Measure: Body mass, specific gravity, hematocrit

Results: In progress

Conclusion: In progress

Keywords: Bod Pod, Hematocrit, Replacement, Specific Gravity