Schewel 208
Access Type
Campus Access Only
Entry Number
Start Date
4-4-2018 1:45 PM
Exercise Physiology
Balance is extremely important to dancers to help prevent injury and to maximize performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the immediate effects of a core and abdominal exercise program on balance for dancers. The acute effects of a core exercise program on balance for dancers were examined using a series of pre- and post- intervention static and dynamic balance tests. Female college-aged subjects (n=18) completed two static balance tests, the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) test and the Stork Balance Standing test, and two dynamic balance tests, the Y Balance test and the Pirouette test prior to and after a core exercise program. The core exercise program significantly improved balance results for the Y Balance Test (pre 86.04±6.26% vs. post 88.41±5.33%, p=0.00) and the BESS Test (errors pre 22.7±8.0 vs. post 16.1±7.0, p=0.00). There were no significant differences between pre and post intervention scores of the Stork Balance Standing test (pre 4.86±3.80s vs. post 4.98±4.26s, p=0.875) or the Pirouette test (pre 2.28±0.51 vs. post 2.23±0.61 turns, p=0.621). The data collected indicated that a core exercise program may have an immediate, positive effect on balance for dancers.
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. Nancy Cowden, Dr. DuAnn Kremer, Dr. Jill Lucas, Dr. Jason Grandeo
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The Immediate Effects of Abdominal and Core Exercise on Balance for College-Aged Dancers
Schewel 208
Balance is extremely important to dancers to help prevent injury and to maximize performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the immediate effects of a core and abdominal exercise program on balance for dancers. The acute effects of a core exercise program on balance for dancers were examined using a series of pre- and post- intervention static and dynamic balance tests. Female college-aged subjects (n=18) completed two static balance tests, the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) test and the Stork Balance Standing test, and two dynamic balance tests, the Y Balance test and the Pirouette test prior to and after a core exercise program. The core exercise program significantly improved balance results for the Y Balance Test (pre 86.04±6.26% vs. post 88.41±5.33%, p=0.00) and the BESS Test (errors pre 22.7±8.0 vs. post 16.1±7.0, p=0.00). There were no significant differences between pre and post intervention scores of the Stork Balance Standing test (pre 4.86±3.80s vs. post 4.98±4.26s, p=0.875) or the Pirouette test (pre 2.28±0.51 vs. post 2.23±0.61 turns, p=0.621). The data collected indicated that a core exercise program may have an immediate, positive effect on balance for dancers.