Digital Showcase @ University of Lynchburg - Student Scholar Showcase: Police Officers Killed or Assaulted in the Line of Duty from 1998 to 2015

Oral Presentations

Student Author Information

Kacie Smith, University of LynchburgFollow


Room 208, Schewel Hall

Access Type

Campus Access Only

Entry Number


Start Date

4-10-2019 2:30 PM

End Date

4-10-2019 2:45 PM


Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences




This project will test five variables that could influence the rate of police officers killed or assaulted in the line of duty from 1998 to 2015. These variables include the population per square mile, vacant housing, unemployment rate, percentage of high school graduates, and percentage of poverty rate. The information for the variables and the cases will be from the years of 1998 to 2015, and it will include officers who have been killed or assaulted while they are working.

This project will be looking at these variables to find if there is a correlational between one of the variables and the numbers of police officers that were killed or assaulted in the line of duty. If there are significant results from the statistical test, then the same test could be ran on a larger set of data to see if there are significant results on the larger scale. If there are continuous significant results, then the information that is found from this project could be used to decrease the rate of law enforcement officers killed or assaulted in the line of duty.

Primary Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Beth Savage
Dr. Michael Klein
Prof. Keith Smith

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The right to download or print any portion of this material is granted by the copyright owner only for personal or educational use. The author/creator retains all proprietary rights, including copyright ownership. Any editing, other reproduction or other use of this material by any means requires the express written permission of the copyright owner. Except as provided above, or for any other use that is allowed by fair use (Title 17, §107 U.S.C.), you may not reproduce, republish, post, transmit or distribute any material from this web site in any physical or digital form without the permission of the copyright owner of the material.


Apr 10th, 2:30 PM Apr 10th, 2:45 PM

Police Officers Killed or Assaulted in the Line of Duty from 1998 to 2015

Room 208, Schewel Hall

This project will test five variables that could influence the rate of police officers killed or assaulted in the line of duty from 1998 to 2015. These variables include the population per square mile, vacant housing, unemployment rate, percentage of high school graduates, and percentage of poverty rate. The information for the variables and the cases will be from the years of 1998 to 2015, and it will include officers who have been killed or assaulted while they are working.

This project will be looking at these variables to find if there is a correlational between one of the variables and the numbers of police officers that were killed or assaulted in the line of duty. If there are significant results from the statistical test, then the same test could be ran on a larger set of data to see if there are significant results on the larger scale. If there are continuous significant results, then the information that is found from this project could be used to decrease the rate of law enforcement officers killed or assaulted in the line of duty.