Digital Showcase @ University of Lynchburg - Student Scholar Showcase: Exile and Isolation in Medieval Literature

Oral Presentations

Exile and Isolation in Medieval Literature


Room 214, Schewel Hall

Access Type

Campus Access Only

Entry Number


Start Date

4-10-2019 9:30 AM

End Date

4-10-2019 9:45 AM


Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences




Throughout Medieval Literature, it is common to see the theme of exile and how it influences the subject of the text. While in exile, whether it is a character being narrated or the speaker of the text going through their own experiences, the reader is given insight into what exile may be like and how it can influence the emotions and mental state of the speaker. Though physical exile and isolation is prominent, it is also important to look at the speaker's mental state and how their isolation can effect their perception of people and the life around them. In this paper, I will seek to look at the physical attributes of isolation such as the environment around the person in isolation and how their environment and physical state of being can contribute to their concept of exile. I will also seek to take these physical attributes and evaluate how they can ultimately influence the inner perception of the person as well. This could include how their mental state suffers, what emotions they are feeling, and how it causes them to view themselves and the world around them.

Primary Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Elza Tiner

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Apr 10th, 9:30 AM Apr 10th, 9:45 AM

Exile and Isolation in Medieval Literature

Room 214, Schewel Hall

Throughout Medieval Literature, it is common to see the theme of exile and how it influences the subject of the text. While in exile, whether it is a character being narrated or the speaker of the text going through their own experiences, the reader is given insight into what exile may be like and how it can influence the emotions and mental state of the speaker. Though physical exile and isolation is prominent, it is also important to look at the speaker's mental state and how their isolation can effect their perception of people and the life around them. In this paper, I will seek to look at the physical attributes of isolation such as the environment around the person in isolation and how their environment and physical state of being can contribute to their concept of exile. I will also seek to take these physical attributes and evaluate how they can ultimately influence the inner perception of the person as well. This could include how their mental state suffers, what emotions they are feeling, and how it causes them to view themselves and the world around them.