Oral Presentations


Room 214, Schewel Hall

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Campus Access Only

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Start Date

4-10-2019 10:00 AM

End Date

4-10-2019 10:15 AM


Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences




My thesis will be determining the consequences of the rise of the black dollars movement, and will explore the implications it has on the life of black businesses in the South. This will be done by analyzing data referring to the growth of the average disposable income of African-Americans in the South through the years of 1967 -2017, and compare it with the growth in black owned businesses and their profit margin.

I will determine what role the power of the black dollar plays, if any, and what that power could change for black businesses owners. The data collected, and history mentioned, will focus on the southern region of the United States. The southern region will be defined as the states below the Mason Dixon line.

I will use various statistical techniques to examine the effect of the growth of black buying power on the presence of black businesses in the south while researching other aspects impacting the growth of black businesses. It will be determined if there is a correlation between the two factors, and opportunities for a stronger positive correlation between the two factors as a consequence of the growth of the “black dollar”.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Lindsay Michie
Prof. Michael Schnur

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Apr 10th, 10:00 AM Apr 10th, 10:15 AM

What are the Consequences of the Rise of the “Black Dollar Movement,” and What does it Implicate for Black Business Owners in the South?

Room 214, Schewel Hall

My thesis will be determining the consequences of the rise of the black dollars movement, and will explore the implications it has on the life of black businesses in the South. This will be done by analyzing data referring to the growth of the average disposable income of African-Americans in the South through the years of 1967 -2017, and compare it with the growth in black owned businesses and their profit margin.

I will determine what role the power of the black dollar plays, if any, and what that power could change for black businesses owners. The data collected, and history mentioned, will focus on the southern region of the United States. The southern region will be defined as the states below the Mason Dixon line.

I will use various statistical techniques to examine the effect of the growth of black buying power on the presence of black businesses in the south while researching other aspects impacting the growth of black businesses. It will be determined if there is a correlation between the two factors, and opportunities for a stronger positive correlation between the two factors as a consequence of the growth of the “black dollar”.