Oral Presentations
Room 232, Schewel Hall
Access Type
Open Access
Entry Number
Start Date
4-10-2019 10:15 AM
End Date
4-10-2019 10:30 AM
Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences
Pseudomonas putida GB-1 is a model organism for the study of manganese oxidation in bacteria, however, the frequency of co-localization of multiple known and suspected manganese oxidizing proteins, as well as their occurrence between species, is unknown. Eight different genes isolated from known manganese oxidizing bacteria (MnxG, MopA, McoA, PputGB1_2552, PputGB1_2553, MoxA, MofA, and Bacillus MnxG) were tested individually using BioPython and BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) on multiple genomic databases. BLAST searches had an expect value cutoff of 1e-50, limiting gene homologs to those with high sequence similarity. The abundance of homologous genes across classes of proteobacteria point towards the lateral transfer of manganese oxidase genes. This data, alongside phylogenetic gene trees, will provide a better indication of how manganese oxidase genes have spread between bacteria, as well as the evolutionary origin of manganese oxidation.
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. Zakaria Kurdi
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Included in
Bacteriology Commons, Bioinformatics Commons, Biology Commons, Evolution Commons, Genetics Commons, Genomics Commons
Co-Occurrence of Manganese Oxidase Genes Indicates Lateral Transfer Between Classes of Proteobacteria
Room 232, Schewel Hall
Pseudomonas putida GB-1 is a model organism for the study of manganese oxidation in bacteria, however, the frequency of co-localization of multiple known and suspected manganese oxidizing proteins, as well as their occurrence between species, is unknown. Eight different genes isolated from known manganese oxidizing bacteria (MnxG, MopA, McoA, PputGB1_2552, PputGB1_2553, MoxA, MofA, and Bacillus MnxG) were tested individually using BioPython and BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) on multiple genomic databases. BLAST searches had an expect value cutoff of 1e-50, limiting gene homologs to those with high sequence similarity. The abundance of homologous genes across classes of proteobacteria point towards the lateral transfer of manganese oxidase genes. This data, alongside phylogenetic gene trees, will provide a better indication of how manganese oxidase genes have spread between bacteria, as well as the evolutionary origin of manganese oxidation.