Athletic Trainers Ability to Recognize Mental Health Concerns in Intercollegiate Athletes
Memorial Ballroom, Hall Campus Center
Access Type
Open Access
Entry Number
Start Date
4-7-2021 12:00 PM
End Date
4-7-2021 1:15 PM
Athletic Training
Context: Athletic trainers need to incorporate psychosocial interventions with rehabilitation. The need to address the patient's mental struggles begins with recognition.
Objective: To identify if athletic trainers viewed mental health as an essential component to rehabilitation and confidence in addressing psychological concerns.
Design: Mixed method research
Setting: Online survey
Participants or other participants: 533 athletic trainers
Data Collection and Analysis: Quantitative data were analyzed for themes using Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric approach.
Results: The Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant differences between the three groups. Post Hoc Mann-Whitney U tests demonstrated significant differences between the three groups. Throughout our qualitative data, there were also 3 common themes.
Conclusion: Athletic trainers could benefit from receiving additional education and resources. It is essential to understand the limitations in addressing mental health concerns.
Keywords: Psychosocial intervention, additional education, recognizing mental health concerns
Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. Jennifer HallDr. Debbie A. BradneyDr. Thomas G. Bowman
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Athletic Trainers Ability to Recognize Mental Health Concerns in Intercollegiate Athletes
Memorial Ballroom, Hall Campus Center
Context: Athletic trainers need to incorporate psychosocial interventions with rehabilitation. The need to address the patient's mental struggles begins with recognition.
Objective: To identify if athletic trainers viewed mental health as an essential component to rehabilitation and confidence in addressing psychological concerns.
Design: Mixed method research
Setting: Online survey
Participants or other participants: 533 athletic trainers
Data Collection and Analysis: Quantitative data were analyzed for themes using Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric approach.
Results: The Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant differences between the three groups. Post Hoc Mann-Whitney U tests demonstrated significant differences between the three groups. Throughout our qualitative data, there were also 3 common themes.
Conclusion: Athletic trainers could benefit from receiving additional education and resources. It is essential to understand the limitations in addressing mental health concerns.
Keywords: Psychosocial intervention, additional education, recognizing mental health concerns