Poster Session

A Comprehensive Comparison of the Vocal and Choral Works of Clara Schumann


Memorial Ballroom, Hall Campus Center

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Campus Access Only

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Start Date

4-6-2022 12:00 PM

End Date

4-6-2022 1:15 PM




Clara Schumann’s vocal and choral works are an indication of her capacity as a composer. The purpose of this research was to compare the vocal and choral works of Clara Schumann and to identify common musical themes within these works. The research questions of this study were to (1) provide a biographical sketch of Clara Schumann; (2) create a chronological list of Schumann’s vocal and choral compositions; and (3) through musical analysis, identify the similarities and differences between Gedichte aus Rückerts Liebesfrühling and Drei Gemischte Chöre.

Clara Schumann is credited with one set of three partsongs, and thirty-two vocal pieces. Her life centered around composing and teaching. Many of her vocal and choral works were written in collaboration with Robert Schumann. Schumann’s vocal and choral works are similar in construction and compositional style and they vary in subject matter and harmonic elements. Schumann’s vocal and choral works demonstrate her compositional ingenuity. Future research could include comparing Schumann’s works to works of other female Romantic composers, as well as the works of modern composers, and mapping her influence on the musical world.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Jeremy M. Craft

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Apr 6th, 12:00 PM Apr 6th, 1:15 PM

A Comprehensive Comparison of the Vocal and Choral Works of Clara Schumann

Memorial Ballroom, Hall Campus Center

Clara Schumann’s vocal and choral works are an indication of her capacity as a composer. The purpose of this research was to compare the vocal and choral works of Clara Schumann and to identify common musical themes within these works. The research questions of this study were to (1) provide a biographical sketch of Clara Schumann; (2) create a chronological list of Schumann’s vocal and choral compositions; and (3) through musical analysis, identify the similarities and differences between Gedichte aus Rückerts Liebesfrühling and Drei Gemischte Chöre.

Clara Schumann is credited with one set of three partsongs, and thirty-two vocal pieces. Her life centered around composing and teaching. Many of her vocal and choral works were written in collaboration with Robert Schumann. Schumann’s vocal and choral works are similar in construction and compositional style and they vary in subject matter and harmonic elements. Schumann’s vocal and choral works demonstrate her compositional ingenuity. Future research could include comparing Schumann’s works to works of other female Romantic composers, as well as the works of modern composers, and mapping her influence on the musical world.