Oral Presentations
Schewel 232
Access Type
Open Access
Entry Number
Start Date
4-6-2022 11:00 AM
End Date
4-6-2022 11:15 AM
Biomedical Science
The experiment shows the response of zebrafish when they are exposed to environments stimulating fear and how exercise will affect the behaviors of the fish in those environments. It is predicted that the behavior of fish receiving exercise before fear conditioning will show less behaviors associated with fear and anxiety. The subjects were exercised in a large water pump apparatus that creates a current for the fish to swim against, and then they were used in a classical fear conditioning protocol. Zebrafish behavior is recorded before and after fear conditioning is conducted. The speed of the subject’s swimming along with the swim path were recorded, analyzed for time in specific locations of the tank and speeds greater than 20 mm/s and less than 5 mm/s. These events were analyzed before and after fear conditioning conditions were introduced to assess the behaviors compared to a baseline. To ensure the changes in behavior were legitimate, the behavior in a colored tank will be analyzed and will show similar data to pre-conditioning behaviors, indicating that any expressed fear behavior was associated with the fear conditioning environment. These fear responses are used to predict what responses would be if tested on humans.
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. David Freier
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Effects of Exercise on Fear Behavior in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Schewel 232
The experiment shows the response of zebrafish when they are exposed to environments stimulating fear and how exercise will affect the behaviors of the fish in those environments. It is predicted that the behavior of fish receiving exercise before fear conditioning will show less behaviors associated with fear and anxiety. The subjects were exercised in a large water pump apparatus that creates a current for the fish to swim against, and then they were used in a classical fear conditioning protocol. Zebrafish behavior is recorded before and after fear conditioning is conducted. The speed of the subject’s swimming along with the swim path were recorded, analyzed for time in specific locations of the tank and speeds greater than 20 mm/s and less than 5 mm/s. These events were analyzed before and after fear conditioning conditions were introduced to assess the behaviors compared to a baseline. To ensure the changes in behavior were legitimate, the behavior in a colored tank will be analyzed and will show similar data to pre-conditioning behaviors, indicating that any expressed fear behavior was associated with the fear conditioning environment. These fear responses are used to predict what responses would be if tested on humans.