Digital Showcase @ University of Lynchburg - Student Scholar Showcase: The Evolution of Music in Theatre

Oral Presentations


Sydnor Auditorium

Access Type

Campus Access Only

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Start Date

4-6-2022 3:30 PM

End Date

4-6-2022 3:45 PM




Theatre, as we know it today, has not always been as it seems. In order to delve deeper into Ancient Greek theatre uses, there needs to be an understanding of what characterized performance during this time and why. With the intent of improving music pedagogy, the purpose of this research was to identify the uses of original Greek theatre in order to track the evolution of theatre through time. The particular problems of this study were to (1) Investigate the uses of Greek theatre; (2) Compare and contrast Ancient Greek theatre to theatre today; and (3) Influences of Ancient Greek theatre in theatre today.

In order to investigate the uses of Greek theatre I looked at a variety of sources which talked about ancient Greek theatre and its uses in society at the time. I then compared that ancient Greek theatre to theatre today in order to show the similarities and differences between the two. Using that information I discussed the influences that could be found in modern theatre that had its origins in ancient Greece. I found that ancient Greek theatre and modern theatre were similar in their own ways and even though much has changed throughout time the influences of the past can still be seen in the present.

Primary Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Cynthia Ramsey

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Apr 6th, 3:30 PM Apr 6th, 3:45 PM

The Evolution of Music in Theatre

Sydnor Auditorium

Theatre, as we know it today, has not always been as it seems. In order to delve deeper into Ancient Greek theatre uses, there needs to be an understanding of what characterized performance during this time and why. With the intent of improving music pedagogy, the purpose of this research was to identify the uses of original Greek theatre in order to track the evolution of theatre through time. The particular problems of this study were to (1) Investigate the uses of Greek theatre; (2) Compare and contrast Ancient Greek theatre to theatre today; and (3) Influences of Ancient Greek theatre in theatre today.

In order to investigate the uses of Greek theatre I looked at a variety of sources which talked about ancient Greek theatre and its uses in society at the time. I then compared that ancient Greek theatre to theatre today in order to show the similarities and differences between the two. Using that information I discussed the influences that could be found in modern theatre that had its origins in ancient Greece. I found that ancient Greek theatre and modern theatre were similar in their own ways and even though much has changed throughout time the influences of the past can still be seen in the present.