Perceived Effectiveness of Mental Health Rehabilitation on Recidivism
Room 217, Schewel Hall
Access Type
Open Access
Entry Number
Start Date
4-5-2023 9:45 AM
End Date
4-5-2023 10:00 AM
Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences
As the American criminal justice system moves towards rehabilitation over punishment it is important to see if rehabilitation of mental illness actually reduces recidivism rates on a large scale. As established by previous research Gonzalez & Connell, 2014; see also, Osher, et al, 2003), people with mental health issues are notoriously ignored or not provided the proper treatment during incarceration and it is necessary to examine this connection so new policies can be implemented to help incarcerated Americans. By reducing recidivism the amount of people incarcerated is lowered, because most people incarcerated are repeat offenders (Bureau of Justice Statistics), saving America millions of dollars most of which come from American taxpayers. However, in order to enact the changes needed in the incarceration system we will need the support of the American people. The aim of this study is to measure how willing people are to work with, socialize, and all around interact with treated offenders versus untreated offenders.It was hypothesized that people will be more willing to associate with individuals who received treatment and that individuals who received treatment will have a perceived more successful reentry to society. Participants were recruited using an online survey where they were randomly assigned to one of three different groups. A statistically significant difference was found between those who did receive treatment or did not have a mental illness at all and those who received no treatment, supporting the hypothesis that Americans are more willing to associate with treated offenders than not.
Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. Alisha Marciano Dr. Joseph Hoft Dr. Laura Kicklighter
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Perceived Effectiveness of Mental Health Rehabilitation on Recidivism
Room 217, Schewel Hall
As the American criminal justice system moves towards rehabilitation over punishment it is important to see if rehabilitation of mental illness actually reduces recidivism rates on a large scale. As established by previous research Gonzalez & Connell, 2014; see also, Osher, et al, 2003), people with mental health issues are notoriously ignored or not provided the proper treatment during incarceration and it is necessary to examine this connection so new policies can be implemented to help incarcerated Americans. By reducing recidivism the amount of people incarcerated is lowered, because most people incarcerated are repeat offenders (Bureau of Justice Statistics), saving America millions of dollars most of which come from American taxpayers. However, in order to enact the changes needed in the incarceration system we will need the support of the American people. The aim of this study is to measure how willing people are to work with, socialize, and all around interact with treated offenders versus untreated offenders.It was hypothesized that people will be more willing to associate with individuals who received treatment and that individuals who received treatment will have a perceived more successful reentry to society. Participants were recruited using an online survey where they were randomly assigned to one of three different groups. A statistically significant difference was found between those who did receive treatment or did not have a mental illness at all and those who received no treatment, supporting the hypothesis that Americans are more willing to associate with treated offenders than not.