Analyzing and Computing Solution for Dots and Boxes Game


Room 232, Schewel Hall

Access Type

Campus Access Only

Entry Number


Start Date

4-5-2023 2:30 PM

End Date

4-5-2023 2:45 PM


Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences


Computer Science


Computer science, board game, data


This project analyzes data gathered from the classic dots and boxes game. Using simulations we find the most optimal way to evaluate every possible state in the game. Through the simulations we analyze the performance of running such a problem. From this data we can find ways to solve games of different dimensions quickly and efficiently.

Primary Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Randy Ribler

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Import Event to Google Calendar

Apr 5th, 2:30 PM Apr 5th, 2:45 PM

Analyzing and Computing Solution for Dots and Boxes Game

Room 232, Schewel Hall

This project analyzes data gathered from the classic dots and boxes game. Using simulations we find the most optimal way to evaluate every possible state in the game. Through the simulations we analyze the performance of running such a problem. From this data we can find ways to solve games of different dimensions quickly and efficiently.