Holier Than Thou Art?: An exploration of political, religious, and religiosity background and its correlation with sexual experience, pornographic consumption, and sexual attitudes

Access Type

Open Access

Start Date

4-17-2024 3:00 PM

End Date

4-17-2024 3:15 PM


Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences




Morality, Ethic, Religion, Religiosity, Politics


The purpose of the study is to identify potential differences between the ideological principles that uphold religious and political affiliations and view whether the actions of individuals who prescribe to those ideologies align with the ideological principles of sexual morality that they hold. Sexual morality was divided into the moral development stage, pornographic use, and sexual experience and political and religious leanings were measured by self-report and a religiosity score. It was hypothesized that those of the Abrahamic faith background would be more likely to consume pornography despite less sexual experiences, higher moral developmental stages, and higher religiosity scores. 20 participants from Sweet Briar and University of Lynchburg who were 18 years or older were recruited to participate in an 88-item questionnaire of Likert Scales, demographics, and multiple choice/answers. The results indicated that 9 of the 11 hypotheses were supported, however the results mostly came back as not significant. These findings indicate potential correlations between all of the hypotheses were true in indications of sexual experience, moral development and religiosity except for the findings about pornographic consumption in which the hypotheses were not supported. This would indicate that if the results were found to be significant that Republicans/Conservatives and Abrahamic Faith believers are on average following their own moral principles when in comparison to the non-believers and Democrats/Liberals who often preach more of an open sexual attitude..

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Ei Hlaing Dr. Alisha Marciano

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Apr 17th, 3:00 PM Apr 17th, 3:15 PM

Holier Than Thou Art?: An exploration of political, religious, and religiosity background and its correlation with sexual experience, pornographic consumption, and sexual attitudes

The purpose of the study is to identify potential differences between the ideological principles that uphold religious and political affiliations and view whether the actions of individuals who prescribe to those ideologies align with the ideological principles of sexual morality that they hold. Sexual morality was divided into the moral development stage, pornographic use, and sexual experience and political and religious leanings were measured by self-report and a religiosity score. It was hypothesized that those of the Abrahamic faith background would be more likely to consume pornography despite less sexual experiences, higher moral developmental stages, and higher religiosity scores. 20 participants from Sweet Briar and University of Lynchburg who were 18 years or older were recruited to participate in an 88-item questionnaire of Likert Scales, demographics, and multiple choice/answers. The results indicated that 9 of the 11 hypotheses were supported, however the results mostly came back as not significant. These findings indicate potential correlations between all of the hypotheses were true in indications of sexual experience, moral development and religiosity except for the findings about pornographic consumption in which the hypotheses were not supported. This would indicate that if the results were found to be significant that Republicans/Conservatives and Abrahamic Faith believers are on average following their own moral principles when in comparison to the non-believers and Democrats/Liberals who often preach more of an open sexual attitude..