Animal Abuse and Adult Criminal Behavior


Sydnor Performance Hall

Access Type

Campus Access Only

Start Date

4-17-2024 9:45 AM

End Date

4-17-2024 10:00 AM


Animal abuse is a pervasive issue that extends beyond individual acts of cruelty, encompassing broader societal implications. Animal abuse has far more effects than just causing harm to animals, this behavior can lead to a cycle of abuse that is carried throughout an offender's lifespan. It is important to consider how witnessing and partaking in animal abuse impacts criminal behavior as an adult. The purpose of this research is to better understand how childhood animal abuse affects adult criminals. The results from this study show that there can be a correlation between animal abuse and adult criminal behavior. Violence in adulthood was significantly associated with animal abuse. Violent offenders were significantly more likely to commit animal abuse than non-violent offenders. This study provides a better understanding of the impact of animal abuse on adult criminal behaviors.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Joseph Hoft

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Apr 17th, 9:45 AM Apr 17th, 10:00 AM

Animal Abuse and Adult Criminal Behavior

Sydnor Performance Hall

Animal abuse is a pervasive issue that extends beyond individual acts of cruelty, encompassing broader societal implications. Animal abuse has far more effects than just causing harm to animals, this behavior can lead to a cycle of abuse that is carried throughout an offender's lifespan. It is important to consider how witnessing and partaking in animal abuse impacts criminal behavior as an adult. The purpose of this research is to better understand how childhood animal abuse affects adult criminals. The results from this study show that there can be a correlation between animal abuse and adult criminal behavior. Violence in adulthood was significantly associated with animal abuse. Violent offenders were significantly more likely to commit animal abuse than non-violent offenders. This study provides a better understanding of the impact of animal abuse on adult criminal behaviors.