
Sydnor Performance Hall

Access Type

Campus Access Only

Start Date

4-17-2024 11:30 AM

End Date

4-17-2024 11:45 AM


Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences




sociology, housing, housing insecurity, social justice, sustainability, asset map


This research study evaluates the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of a housing organization serving those struggling to maintain secure housing in Lynchburg. The researcher performed a case study on Miriam’s House, a housing nonprofit in Lynchburg, to examine the sustainability of this organization. The researcher produced an asset map of Lynchburg to outline the districts in which Miriam’s House houses their clients in relation to various social, economic, and environmental factors that can impact one’s standard of living.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Sharon Foreman, Dr. Beth Savage, Dr. Laura Henry-Stone

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Apr 17th, 11:30 AM Apr 17th, 11:45 AM

The Sustainability of Housing Security in Lynchburg, Virginia

Sydnor Performance Hall

This research study evaluates the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of a housing organization serving those struggling to maintain secure housing in Lynchburg. The researcher performed a case study on Miriam’s House, a housing nonprofit in Lynchburg, to examine the sustainability of this organization. The researcher produced an asset map of Lynchburg to outline the districts in which Miriam’s House houses their clients in relation to various social, economic, and environmental factors that can impact one’s standard of living.