
Hopwood Auditorium

Access Type

Open Access

Start Date

4-17-2024 1:30 PM

End Date

4-17-2024 1:45 PM


College of Health Sciences


Exercise Physiology


Sports, Field Hockey, Goalie


It is essential to evaluate the physiological demands of the sport of field hockey, specifically of a division III field hockey goalie. There has been limited research on this sport, let alone on the position of goalies. Some recent studies have evaluated ice hockey goalies on their anthropometrics, upper and lower body strength, power output, and aerobic capacity. The purpose of this study was to examine the physiological demands and performance profile of a division III field hockey goalkeeper. A division III goalie went through several baseline tests including anthropometrics, resting and maximum heart rate, upper and lower one rep maximum (1 RM) strength, absolute power, anaerobic power, and aerobic power. The division III goalie performed a field assessment. The baseline testing and the field assessment provides a better understanding of the status of a division III field hockey goalie. Data collection has been started and will be continued until all data has been collected and analyzed.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Sean Collins

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Apr 17th, 1:30 PM Apr 17th, 1:45 PM

The Physiological Demands of a Division III Field Hockey Goalie: A Case Study

Hopwood Auditorium

It is essential to evaluate the physiological demands of the sport of field hockey, specifically of a division III field hockey goalie. There has been limited research on this sport, let alone on the position of goalies. Some recent studies have evaluated ice hockey goalies on their anthropometrics, upper and lower body strength, power output, and aerobic capacity. The purpose of this study was to examine the physiological demands and performance profile of a division III field hockey goalkeeper. A division III goalie went through several baseline tests including anthropometrics, resting and maximum heart rate, upper and lower one rep maximum (1 RM) strength, absolute power, anaerobic power, and aerobic power. The division III goalie performed a field assessment. The baseline testing and the field assessment provides a better understanding of the status of a division III field hockey goalie. Data collection has been started and will be continued until all data has been collected and analyzed.