Digital Showcase @ University of Lynchburg - Student Scholar Showcase: Short term effects of manual therapy to the hip on dynamic balance and hip abductor strength


Short term effects of manual therapy to the hip on dynamic balance and hip abductor strength


Turner Gymnasium

Access Type

Open Access

Start Date

4-17-2024 12:00 PM

End Date

4-17-2024 1:15 PM


Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences


Biomedical Science


Proprioception, dynamic balance, mechanoreceptors, hip strength, hip abductors, SEBT


Study design: Randomized Controlled laboratory study.

Background: The brain’s sensorimotor system is constantly converting acquired sensory stimuli from the body and its environment into transmittable signals that elicit a response in the brain, allowing the body to unconsciously control many homeostatic processes, including balance. Mechanoreceptors found in joints communicate with the motor division of the brain to understand where it is located in space through a process called proprioception. This allows for subtle changes in posture that help one remain upright when attempting to balance all their weight on one limb.

Objective: To assess the strength and proprioceptive response through high velocity low amplitude joint manipulation of the hip observed through changes in dynamic balance and hip abductor strength.

Method: __ healthy individuals were randomly assigned to a group receiving a thrust manipulation of the hip (n=__), or a sham manipulator (n=__). Before and after intervention, participants completed the star excursion balance test (SEBT) as well as a measurement of hip abductor strength.

Discussion: ________

Conclusion: _______

Key Words: Proprioception, dynamic balance, mechanoreceptors, hip strength, hip abductors, SEBT

Primary Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Jeremiah Blankenship Dr. Wendy Williamson Dr. Jason Grandea



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Apr 17th, 12:00 PM Apr 17th, 1:15 PM

Short term effects of manual therapy to the hip on dynamic balance and hip abductor strength

Turner Gymnasium

Study design: Randomized Controlled laboratory study.

Background: The brain’s sensorimotor system is constantly converting acquired sensory stimuli from the body and its environment into transmittable signals that elicit a response in the brain, allowing the body to unconsciously control many homeostatic processes, including balance. Mechanoreceptors found in joints communicate with the motor division of the brain to understand where it is located in space through a process called proprioception. This allows for subtle changes in posture that help one remain upright when attempting to balance all their weight on one limb.

Objective: To assess the strength and proprioceptive response through high velocity low amplitude joint manipulation of the hip observed through changes in dynamic balance and hip abductor strength.

Method: __ healthy individuals were randomly assigned to a group receiving a thrust manipulation of the hip (n=__), or a sham manipulator (n=__). Before and after intervention, participants completed the star excursion balance test (SEBT) as well as a measurement of hip abductor strength.

Discussion: ________

Conclusion: _______

Key Words: Proprioception, dynamic balance, mechanoreceptors, hip strength, hip abductors, SEBT