SHARE Greater Lynchburg Giving Tuesday Campaign
Turner Gymnasium
Access Type
Campus Access Only
Start Date
4-17-2024 12:00 PM
End Date
4-17-2024 1:15 PM
community engagement, GivingTuesday, giving, volunteerism
The purpose of this project was to bring the community of nonprofit partners and community members together in celebration of and in preparation for this past Giving Tuesday. In my partnership with SHARE Greater Lynchburg we created a campaign called #GiveGood LYHGives that served to educate the community about various nonprofits in Lynchburg and how the community can give back to those organizations, either with time or money. Community members could nominate Give Good ambassadors who were given purple beanies and encouraged to wear them around town and especially when doing service. I learned about the process of working with sponsor partners and contractors to assist in the campaign. I wrote weekly article features that detailed a different nonprofits mission and needs for Giving Tuesday and led a presentation to 30 plus partners on how they could execute their own Give Good campaigns through social media strategy techniques and provided graphics to take more of the work out of launching a campaign on a smaller scale. We partnered with ABC13, WNRN radio, News & Advance and other partners to publicize the campaign and hosted weekly Tuesday Days of Giving at different partner locations leading up to Giving Tuesday. On the day of, we hosted a pancake breakfast in partnership with a local restaurant for over 40 ambassadors and nonprofit partners.
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Ms. Cindy Ferguson Ms. Tasha Gillum
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SHARE Greater Lynchburg Giving Tuesday Campaign
Turner Gymnasium
The purpose of this project was to bring the community of nonprofit partners and community members together in celebration of and in preparation for this past Giving Tuesday. In my partnership with SHARE Greater Lynchburg we created a campaign called #GiveGood LYHGives that served to educate the community about various nonprofits in Lynchburg and how the community can give back to those organizations, either with time or money. Community members could nominate Give Good ambassadors who were given purple beanies and encouraged to wear them around town and especially when doing service. I learned about the process of working with sponsor partners and contractors to assist in the campaign. I wrote weekly article features that detailed a different nonprofits mission and needs for Giving Tuesday and led a presentation to 30 plus partners on how they could execute their own Give Good campaigns through social media strategy techniques and provided graphics to take more of the work out of launching a campaign on a smaller scale. We partnered with ABC13, WNRN radio, News & Advance and other partners to publicize the campaign and hosted weekly Tuesday Days of Giving at different partner locations leading up to Giving Tuesday. On the day of, we hosted a pancake breakfast in partnership with a local restaurant for over 40 ambassadors and nonprofit partners.