Multiple Hip Pathologies in a Division 3 Male Lacrosse Athlete: A Level 3 Case Study


Turner Gymnasium

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Open Access

Start Date

4-17-2024 12:00 PM

End Date

4-17-2024 1:15 PM


College of Health Sciences


Athletic Training


Multiple Hip Pathologies in a Division 3 Male Lacrosse Athlete: A Level 3 Case Study

Taylor Landreth

Thomas G. Bowman, PhD, ATC

Caroline Wesley Siler, MS, ATC

We present the case of a 20-year-old male who was a lacrosse defensive midfielder. He was diagnosed with tendinosis of the right adductor longus, osteitis pubis, and stress osteoedema on the right side that is consistent with a nondisplaced, partially healed avulsion fracture, and heterotropic ossification with stress osteoedema. The patient had surgery and has been participating in physical therapy at least twice a week for one year. There has been improvement with a decrease in pain and an increase in activity. However, the athlete has not fully returned to sport participation. The current literature does not show outcomes for the injury combinations in the current case. The case study is unique due to the magnitude of the injury and the acute mechanism of injury.

Key Words: osteitis pubis, stress osteoedema, avulsion fracture, heterotropic ossification

Faculty Mentor(s)

Thomas G. Bowman, PhD, ATC Caroline Wesley Siler, MS, ATC

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Apr 17th, 12:00 PM Apr 17th, 1:15 PM

Multiple Hip Pathologies in a Division 3 Male Lacrosse Athlete: A Level 3 Case Study

Turner Gymnasium

Multiple Hip Pathologies in a Division 3 Male Lacrosse Athlete: A Level 3 Case Study

Taylor Landreth

Thomas G. Bowman, PhD, ATC

Caroline Wesley Siler, MS, ATC

We present the case of a 20-year-old male who was a lacrosse defensive midfielder. He was diagnosed with tendinosis of the right adductor longus, osteitis pubis, and stress osteoedema on the right side that is consistent with a nondisplaced, partially healed avulsion fracture, and heterotropic ossification with stress osteoedema. The patient had surgery and has been participating in physical therapy at least twice a week for one year. There has been improvement with a decrease in pain and an increase in activity. However, the athlete has not fully returned to sport participation. The current literature does not show outcomes for the injury combinations in the current case. The case study is unique due to the magnitude of the injury and the acute mechanism of injury.

Key Words: osteitis pubis, stress osteoedema, avulsion fracture, heterotropic ossification