Bio 114 B: Brassica rapa vs. Non-purple hairless


Turner Gymnasium

Access Type

Campus Access Only

Start Date

4-17-2024 12:00 PM

End Date

4-17-2024 1:15 PM


Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences




Brassica rapa, mutant


Brassica rapa is a small flowering plant that is often used in classroom experiments due to its small size, low-maintenance growing conditions, and quick life cycle. Several mutant lines have been bred and briefly described, although not much is known about the actual genetic changes and therefore all the downstream effects of that mutation. Nine different mutant lines of Brassica rapa were grown to carefully identify the phenotypes affected by the mutations. Non-purple hairless were grown over 5 weeks and the height and color of the stem were measured. We found that the data showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the mutant (Non-Purple Hairless) being taller than the standard Brassica rapa. The data showed that there was no difference in the amount of stem color between the standard and Non-Purple Hairless Brassica rapa.

Faculty Mentor(s)

John Styrsky

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Apr 17th, 12:00 PM Apr 17th, 1:15 PM

Bio 114 B: Brassica rapa vs. Non-purple hairless

Turner Gymnasium

Brassica rapa is a small flowering plant that is often used in classroom experiments due to its small size, low-maintenance growing conditions, and quick life cycle. Several mutant lines have been bred and briefly described, although not much is known about the actual genetic changes and therefore all the downstream effects of that mutation. Nine different mutant lines of Brassica rapa were grown to carefully identify the phenotypes affected by the mutations. Non-purple hairless were grown over 5 weeks and the height and color of the stem were measured. We found that the data showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the mutant (Non-Purple Hairless) being taller than the standard Brassica rapa. The data showed that there was no difference in the amount of stem color between the standard and Non-Purple Hairless Brassica rapa.