Bonner Legacy Project: World Help Birthday Events


Turner Gymnasium

Access Type

Campus Access Only

Start Date

4-17-2024 12:00 PM

End Date

4-17-2024 1:15 PM


Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences


Bonner, nonprofit, leadership, service, community engagement


For my Bonner legacy project, I established Birthday Party service events for my Bonner service site, World Help. World Help relies heavily on volunteers to help sort and pack lifesaving supplies that are sent around the world to our partners in need, so volunteer management is a priority for the department. Simultaneously, I noticed some of my friends on social media started fundraisers for nonprofits in honor of their birthday, asking that people donate to that organization rather than buying gifts. I wanted to do something similar for my birthday for World Help, but I wanted my friends and family to be more involved than just giving money and moving on. Combining World Help’s need for volunteers and my passion for service, I developed a structured birthday party event for myself and others to celebrate their special day at World Help while making a difference around the world.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Nina Salmon, Ms. Cindy Ferguson, Ms. Tasha Gillum

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Apr 17th, 12:00 PM Apr 17th, 1:15 PM

Bonner Legacy Project: World Help Birthday Events

Turner Gymnasium

For my Bonner legacy project, I established Birthday Party service events for my Bonner service site, World Help. World Help relies heavily on volunteers to help sort and pack lifesaving supplies that are sent around the world to our partners in need, so volunteer management is a priority for the department. Simultaneously, I noticed some of my friends on social media started fundraisers for nonprofits in honor of their birthday, asking that people donate to that organization rather than buying gifts. I wanted to do something similar for my birthday for World Help, but I wanted my friends and family to be more involved than just giving money and moving on. Combining World Help’s need for volunteers and my passion for service, I developed a structured birthday party event for myself and others to celebrate their special day at World Help while making a difference around the world.