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Open Access

Start Date

4-17-2024 12:00 AM

End Date

4-17-2024 12:00 AM


College of Medical Sciences


Medical Science


clinical ethics, ethics, healthcare administration, healthcare


Clinical ethics are an essential and inextricable part of healthcare administration. Healthcare is evolving across multiple domains: patients, healthcare workers, society, and technology. Healthcare administrators must navigate and shape this evolution with a focus on clinical ethics, and the impact of their decisions on the patients they serve. While change across these domains is ongoing, administrative decisions are being made to solve issues related to cost, access to care, and the increasing use of technology, among others. The tendency of administrators is to increasingly utilize financial benchmarks and metric analytics as their primary focus in these decisions, absent clinical ethics in the decision-making processes, in turn, drawing the focus of healthcare away from quality care delivery and clinical practice. As healthcare models and systems evolve, healthcare administration must maintain keen alignment of business-focused decisions with the impact of those decisions on patients, through the lens of clinical ethical principles.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. James Kilgore

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Apr 17th, 12:00 AM Apr 17th, 12:00 AM

Clinical Ethics: Essential in Healthcare Administration

Clinical ethics are an essential and inextricable part of healthcare administration. Healthcare is evolving across multiple domains: patients, healthcare workers, society, and technology. Healthcare administrators must navigate and shape this evolution with a focus on clinical ethics, and the impact of their decisions on the patients they serve. While change across these domains is ongoing, administrative decisions are being made to solve issues related to cost, access to care, and the increasing use of technology, among others. The tendency of administrators is to increasingly utilize financial benchmarks and metric analytics as their primary focus in these decisions, absent clinical ethics in the decision-making processes, in turn, drawing the focus of healthcare away from quality care delivery and clinical practice. As healthcare models and systems evolve, healthcare administration must maintain keen alignment of business-focused decisions with the impact of those decisions on patients, through the lens of clinical ethical principles.