Date Presented

Spring 4-1-2007

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Athletic Training

First Advisor

Debbie Bradney

Second Advisor

Nancy Cowden

Third Advisor

Jim McLaughlin


There are many factors that influence adherence to an exercise program. This research study aimed to determine which factors most effectively ensured adherence, with the hypothesis that no single factor was indicative of exercise adherence as adherence is a dynamic item. The results target exercise professionals to assist them in retaining clientele and encouraging clientele to adhere to exercise programs. A survey was implemented that had clients self-report their stage in the transtheoretical model as well as how strongly they felt about five positive factors to exercise as well as five barriers to exercise. In addition to surveys, body composition, maximal muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness tests were implemented. Subjects in the preparation stage of the transtheoretical model reported a more optimistic outlook on exercise. Those in the contemplation stage reported having a lack of knowledge about exercise as being a barrier to a much greater extent than any other group. Increased body fat levels correlated with decreased levels of comfort with appearance. Exercise professionals may derive benefit from attempting to maximize the retention of an optimistic outlook through positive reinforcement techniques. Concise, accurate information on how to properly adapt a healthy lifestyle may be most readily received by those who are in the contemplation stage. The body fat level of the client needs to be considered when prescribing exercise so that they do not drop out of a program due to fear of embarrassment. The hypothesis was supported, as reported in the wide variety of adherence factors and barriers to exercise adherence.
